DOOM !!!

Now , since I'm in quite a bad mood this month , I'm gonna talk about the impending apocalypse two years later . Or maybe I just need more sleep .

So , 2012 . December 21st .

Mention 2012 , you think of that John Cusack movie . Oooo look volcanoes that spew meteors . Look giant tsunamis that can cover the whole North America . And look !! Overpowered earthquakes that ripped the continents apart , moving China halfway across the world . How convenient for our heroes cargo plane-that-is-filled-with-expensive-sports-cars to land there .

Ok I'm giving out too much spoilers . Its not a bad movie , go watch it on HBO . Preferably on HD .

Because I'm in a bad mood , I'm going to wish for an apocalypse to happen .


Not L4D's fast running bastards (don't forget that Tank , so Hulk-like , so much HP) , slow moving rotten ones that eat your flesh .

I live in a fortress like neighborhood , with walls surrounding the area . Good place to defend myself . Theres a lake nearby too . Fish .

First thing I'm gonna do is to barricade the entrance , so no one can come in or get out . Then I'm cleaning out the housing area with my baseball bat . whack whack whack .

But of course , nothing will happen in 2012 , except for my 20th birthday .

Trust those crazy people to assume the end of the Mayan Calender to be the end of the world .