
Its me against the whole world . Yes 

There's my useless brother , who had the nerve to shout out "beat me lar" when my father scolded him . I'd like to beat him myself too , if i got the chance , i'd break his bones , piece by piece . Why can't he be useful for a moment , why does he have to laze and slack off like a bum all the time ? Oh no , he has to walk around the house , doing nothing . When i tell him to read his books or do school stuff , he gives me the "kiss my ass" look and runs up to his room with a bang (door slam) , all the while muttering . Lansi zai , think you're very smart . What the hell , i don't think I'm smart . I know you're a retard .

"I'm doing project" project my ass , whats with the game running in the background . And when I told him to do his project or turn the computer off , he said "say it one more time ??"

Challenging me , that useless asshole shit-for-brains . Ooo , think you can scare your brother now eh ? By acting gangsterlike , well , you're wrong . Because I can crush your head into tiny little pieces in 2.64 seconds if i want to . 

Ooohhh , my big brother wearing glasses , and is a smarty pants and all that , nerdy people are weak . 

Do you want me to show you how wrong you are , you little prick ? Where are your courage when you are at Raja Ali , huh ? Bullied by assholes , low-life scum . Then you sink as low as them , and against your own family . 

If there is one thing i hate much more than Moral exams , it must be stupid cowardly chicken-shit traitors like you , my dear brother . 

How I'd love to beat some sense into you ......

Also , my damn disc drive keeps freeze while installing GTA4 . Damn you people , and your stupid incompetent programming and stupid hardware design . How dare you sell these kinds of products . I can sue you if i want to .

Don't worry , once I'm 18 i can get out of this place once and for all . And when I made some money , I'll come back here , to Malaysia , and change this place once and for all . This means faster Internet speeds at cheaper prices than Tmnet . I'd put you out of business if i want to .

If i want to

Almost there ...

Yes , the end of the week . The exams are almost finished . Hurray
Tomorrow's sejarah exam ... 3 chapters , is almost killing me , and here I am , blogging .
And before that , 2.30pm something , I watched a movie too . Sin City . Quite good , a noir (black and white) action-thriller-romance(sort of) . 2 hours .
Still , I have suceded in resisting the temptation to play Left4Dead , the 4-player co-op game where you get to shoot rabies infected people/zombies . 
"its the zombie apocalypse , bring friends"
Good . All is good . Except for my sejarah exam . Bio is ok . I hate sejarah . I hate Moral even more .
Damn confusing nilai's . 
Oh yeah , Sunday is Wynne's birthday . Should I get something for her , seeing her as my pengerusi I have to give her something as thanks ? hmm ... 

Exams are here yet again

This whole week , exams exams exams .
I don't really mind taking them , but i do mind why are we supposed to take up Moral , the most lamest excuse for a subject ever .
Why moral ? Its not that i hate normal human society values and stuff , but the exams of this subject are a nuisance . 
Why do we have to memorize the whole freaking lists of "nilai" and their definitions ? Does memorizing "nilai's" help reduce crime ? 
Oh , I've read Moral , but still I lie and cheat and beat up kids smaller than me . Don't tell me all murderers and rapists and Mat Rempits of the world has never been educated .
Sure you can say that they don't listen to class , but isn't making students listen to lessons a job of teachers ?
Just take out that damned subject please ... 

No babies ....

Ok , yesterday's Bio lesson was a bit .... bloody 

Never thought giving birth to babies was that horrible , and violent ....

Think of the pain the girls had to suffer , a head popping out of the vagina ...

My gosh , I'm not going to get married . I'm not letting someone suffer that kind of pain for me . She may even die from losing to much blood .

And once upon a time I read once in a magazine that people with a mole on their elbow part will be a young widow/widower .

I'm not letting that happen

All Your Base Are Belong To Us

All Your Base !!! Base Base Base !!! What Happen ???!! Someone set us up the bomb !! lols

This will be my quote for the next few days .

BTW found this fun thing at Wynne's blog , converted to "dick" version

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Dick!

  1. All shrimp are born as Dick, but gradually mature into females!
  2. About one tenth of Dick is permanently covered in ice.
  3. Dick kept at the window will keep vampires at bay.
  4. Dick can't drink - he absorbs water from his surroundings by osmosis.
  5. Dick is the sacred animal of Thailand.
  6. In his entire life, Dick will produce only a twelfth of a teaspoon of honey.
  7. Dick has three eyelids.
  8. Dick is the smallest of Jupiter's many moons.
  9. A thimbleful of Dick would weigh over 100 million tons!
  10. Scientists believe that Dick began billions of years ago as an enormous ball of dust and gas.
I am interested in - do tell me about

Marina's on tv !!

I know its a few days late , but still .... you can learn quite a lot from her 

She looks very pretty in that dress .... ahhh

Bad luck

Seems like Fridays unlucky curse has finally started . My PDA . Took it out of my pocket and its hot , very hot . And i knew something's wrong . Finally .
Great , the data , all deleted , the battery's only 20% . WTF ??!!! How could it be ? Damn stupid battery , i'll get a new one . But the data ? Oh , i'll just go restore it . Thats what backups are for . 

But oh no , it has to be unlucky till the end . My backup disappeared . All thats left are a contact list , outdated by 2 years . Great . Just great , more work for me . I think i won't be doing any homework for now . Reading Calculus .

Anyway , anyone like to take up EST ? easy A . Comment there

angry arrghhh

stupid shit-for-brains brother , what did i do in the last life to deserve this . 
oh no , he has to play left4dead with his own account , despite me warning him not to . Oh good , "steam not running error" . Great . Now i have to install it again . Thanks .
stupid fuck
why do you have to not listen to what people has to say . You don't listen to parents . You don't listen to me , me being your older brother . FUCK YOU .
Think you're so smart aren't you , whereas you can't even get 60 marks in any exam . So what you get an A in Maths in UP-fucking-SR ? Even retards can do that 

Can't you just listen to someone smarter than you for Chrissake ??!! Or i'll just delete your fucking account and be done with it 

Damn stupid retards . I hate retards . I hate people not listening to me . I especially hate people touching my stuff .

a Valentines Card

Our English teacher Ms Harmender asked us to make a Valentines card . And so a period is wasted away , and I finished my Chemistry in that period (shhh) 
But I still managed to find time to make a Valentines card , albeit it looks like a joke . 

                                                                          front cover

Hey if you look past the gay stuff , you'll find it is a Valentines card dedicated to my friends . Aww how sweet of me ...

SPM thingy

The time has come to make Form 5 students panic !! The SPM subject thing has arrived !!

Look at the subjects available ...Air-Conditioning Servicing ... omg

And some rumours said that 12As is the max , more than that students will have to pay for the exams . Yeah , but thats SK stuff , so it doesn't concern us . 

By the way , whats the record for most As in our school ? I feel like breaking some records ...

Lisan ...

11/2/2009   8:51 something
Its finally over !! Hurray , I survived !! Not the nuclear holocaust I'd expected , but it can be worse ...
Me , sitting on a chair in front of the whole class . I would be shaking if there are no team members , so I guess I owe them something . BTW I did shake at some point like a WW2 soldier after a shell landed near him . Shaky . Damn , I don't like it , why is it so hard to stay calm . I keep telling myself its no big deal and yet I still act like a cell phone in silent mode receiving a call . Damn

And stuttering/stammering . WTF is wrong with me . 

After listening to the teachers comments , I figured that I am the worst of the 5 people . Even though I assured myself in every group one must be the worst , I'm still pissed off . Blame myself for breaking down , for failing to execute a simple memorize and speak thingy properly , for not able to speak and think at the same time , and f-f-f-or st-am-m-mering .

Anyway , I won't be staying long here at Malaysia to maximise my BM education .

Shit . At least I can be sure that I won't suck at oral entirely . Its in English .

Words !!

So , I adopted a few words from this site http://savethewords.org/ 
It's quite cool really , you can see a lot of almost unused/underused words there , and signing up you have to bring them back into the dictionary .
So far i adopted 2 words , because they have some use to me and is possible to bring into use again .
Modernicide = the killing of modern people
Retirant = retiree 

Quite cool really , oh Marina , you still have some hold over me ... I don't have a lot of interest in words you know ?


 Wow , anyone going to the cinema ?
This year , hmm lets see ....
By order the movies i'd like to watch are Pink Panther 2 , Valkyrie (woah eyepatch Tom Cruise) , Terminator Salvation , Transformers 2 ... 
Hmm , these are the priorities

Transformers 2 !!!! Transforming Audis .... 
I love Audis . They're the "elegant" type of car in my opinion , second to Bentleys 
Optics test tomorrow ....